Making Data Better
Making Data Better is a podcast about data quality and the impact it has on how we protect, manage, and use the digital data critical to our lives. Through conversation and examination, George Peabody and Stephen Wilson look at data's role in risk management, at use cases like identification, lending, age verification, healthcare, and more personal concerns. Privacy and data ownership are topics, as are our data failures.
Podcasting since 2023 • 16 episodes
Making Data Better
Latest Episodes
EP16: Data, Governance, and Public Service: Ian Oppermann
The focus of computer technology historically has been on the manipulation and communication of data and information. Yes, there’s always been the monstrously obvious admonition of “garbage in, garbage out” when speaking of data. But as our dep...
Season 1
Episode 16

EP15: Money in the Metaverse with Dave Birch
Dave Birch is an authority and an ambassador for identity systems. And a great conversationalist. With co-author Victoria Ric...
Season 1
Episode 15

EP14: Steve Wilson on NAB Digital Next Podcast
Lockstep's Steve Wilson just appeared on the NAB Digital Next podcast with host Alysia Abeyratne. NAB has kindly allowed Making Data Better to repost the podcast here.If you want to understand how to untangle the knots we’ve tied around...
Season 1
Episode 14

EP13: The Future of the Cloud: Confidential Computing with Mike Bursell
How do we protect data while it’s actually in use? And how can we prove it?Up until now, that’s been nearly impossible. We’ve addressed securing data in flight and at rest. When done right, they are strong protections. But what about wh...

EP12: Our Quick Hit on How Hard Security Deployment Really Is
In this Making Data Better episode, Steve and George discuss the multiple challenges of making better security approaches available and, critically, used by relying parties and suppliers. This is a hugely non-trivial problem. Funct...
Season 1
Episode 12